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Since all absences represent a loss in classroom activity and learning opportunity, no absence will relieve the student from academic obligations. Make-up of an examination or quiz must be completed upon the first week the student returns to class or at a time the instructor designates. The use or appearance of use of notes, books or any other unauthorized sources during tests of any kind, unless specific instructions are given permitting such use.
Any other type of misconduct, offense or manifestation of dishonesty or unfairness in relation to academic work. Unauthorized possession of a test prior to, during or after the administration of a test. Academic Dishonesty Defined 14 Academic integrity is a fundamental value for the Eastern Kentucky University community of students, faculty, and staff. It should be clearly understood that academic dishonesty is not tolerated and incidents of it will have serious consequences. Cheating includes, but is not limited to Giving or receiving assistance not authorized by the instructor or University representative - Participating in unauthorized collaboration on an academic exercise - Using unapproved or misusing electronic devices or aids during an academic exercise.
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